Thursday, 18 January 2018

2018 & Bread mad

It's the 3rd week into 2018 and I cannot believe how fast 2017 went and how eventful it was, to recap briefly I got a job in the industry I want to be working in, I went on a beautiful Italian holiday and I got my own flat. This year I hope to pass my driving test, get my blog going more frequently - pretty sure this was last years resolution too but life gets busy - and get more organised with life as a whole. For Christmas I got a kitchen mixer - something I have wanted for ages so I am so excited about it and as part of being more active on my blog I am going to start adding more recipes that I try out starting with this easy bread recipe.

To say I've gone bread mad would be an understatement...I have made 5 loaves in the space of a week. I can reassure that only 2 of them were for me and 1 of which didn't go well so I had to make a new loaf the following day.


- 500g Strong White Bread Flour
- 15ml Olive Oil
- 2 1/2 Teaspoons of fast acting yeast
- 10g Salt
- 5g Sugar
- 245ml warm water

1- Combine all of the dry ingredients in a bowl and mix in the oil

2- Slowly add the water mixing everything together to form a dough of ball, you may need to use your hands

3- Once the dough has formed, knead for 10 minutes on a floured surface until the dough is smooth

4- Place the dough in a bowl and cover with cling film, leave to rise in a warm dry place for 1.5hrs or until it has doubled in size

5- Take the dough out and knead lightly before placing it into a loaf tin with a cover over it and leaving it to rise for another 30 minutes during this time preheat your oven to 200C

6- Remove the cling and place in the oven to cook for 25-30 minutes you can tell when it is cooked by tapping on the bottom of the loaf, if it sounds hollow then it is cooked


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