Tuesday, 12 April 2016

Milkshake & Smoothie Recipes

When I first moved into my student house half way through 2014 my housemate and I decided to purchase a Bre-ville Blend Active blender...we did have a normal blender that someone else had brought from home with them however it was slightly damaged and it meant more effort when going to make a smoothie because it left you with a lot of washing up. With the Breville Blender however you make the smoothie in the bottle that you then drink out of and it has a single button that turns the blender on and off making it a whole lot more straight forward. So anyway I have stopped using the blender as much and recently I have decided to get back in touch with my love of smoothies and its a great way to try and be a little bit more healthy.

Perfectly Peachy Smoothie
A third of a Cantaloupe Melon
2 Peaches
175ml Grape, Apple and Raspberry Juice     

- Cut up a third of the melon, removing the skin and seeds before putting into the blender, you can cling film the rest of the melon and put it in the fridge making it still edible.
- Chop up two peaches, making sure you have removed the stone and then add that to the mix
- Lastly, add 6 fl oz of Apple and Raspberry Juice...if you want something thats more runny then add water as I found more juice became overwhelming and ruined the flavour

Strapple Smoothie
3 Strawberries
1 Apple
1 Peach
150ml  Grape, Apple and Raspberry Juice

- Remove the Green Leafy bits of the Strawberries
- Chop up the Apple and remove the core
- Chop up the Peach, ensuring you remove the stone
- Pour in the Juice and add the fruit

The Best Milkshake you are yet to try
4 Strawberries
2 Bananas
250 ml Milk
2 Tablespoons of Honey

- Remove the leafy green bits of the Strawberries
- Peel and break the bananas in half
- Add the fruit to the blender
- Pour in the Milk
- Add the Honey (this way you avoid loosing half of it down the sides of the blender like I did)


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