Wednesday, 12 April 2017

Easter Nest Cupcakes

An Easter chocolate cornflake cake with a hidden surprise inside

You will need:
- 100g Milk Chocolate, broken up
- 100g Dark Chocolate, broken up
- 150g Marshmallows
- 6 Tbsp Golden Syrup
- 100g Butter
- 200g Cornflakes

- A packet of mini eggs

1) Put the Butter, the Golden Syrup and Broken up pieces of chocolate and melt together on a low heat, stirring regularly so not to burn the chocolate

2) Whilst your waiting for the mix to melt, combine the marshmallows and cornflakes in a large bowl with your hands

3) Place the cupcake cases into your cupcake tray

4) Once the chocolate mix has completely melted, add to the cornflakes and marshmallows and then mix with a wooden spoon ensuring all is covered, it may look like there isn't enough but there will be so keep mixing.

5) Once completely covered, spoon the mix into each case before placing the eggs on top of each one to create your easter nest

6) Place in the fridge to set before consuming

Ok I have a you will see from the image I have cheated here slightly...the recipe is old and originally I didn't use mini eggs which is why they aren't pictured D: I will probably update the recipe once I have made them myself over the weekend


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