I know it's late...okay it's VERY late, a whole 4 months into 2017 but HAPPY NEW YEAR! I've been finding myself saying this a lot recently because my crazy life has only just started to settle down. Really my year is only just beginning...I have finally found a proper adult job giving me my weekends back meaning I have the time to see friends again, I am in the process of finding somewhere to move into and I am about to start my driving lessons up again. Everyone says adult life is scary and yes there are a lot of aspects of it that are such as bills, work deadlines and just general life responsibilities. At the same time though life is only really beginning, for anyone that is in school and failing - don't let it bother you because it's just a small chapter of your life.
The best parts of adult life (that I have so far experienced) includes learning to drive which is scary in itself but once I have done it then I am going to have so much freedom to go where ever I please at whatever time of day without having to rely on anyone else.
You can get a job...that sounds boring but it's what provides you with an income so that you can do the more exciting things - I am only just discovering this after I just spent a weekend away and I didn't have to worry too much about eating out or paying for a hotel.
And for me, the best thing is that you can get your own place. Not just a single room that is yours but an entire flat/house where everything in it belongs to you! You can have a lazy day in your pjs and the music on loud or you can stay out as early/late as you please without anyone telling you that you shouldn't.
So now that life is finally setting down I can get back to the things that I love doing such as blogging, scrapbooking and photography...3 things that I have neglected massively over the past year. I am also planning on reading more and (thanks to Project Runway) learn to sew! With blogging I'm not going to set myself any pressure of when I want to upload a post because you will find if you read back through my blog that I keep doing this and failing. I do however still intend to upload a post surrounding my scrapbook once it is up to date again!
Right this moment my most popular post is my Bullet Journal post which I technically owe a follow up post for but I do have a confession... it's not going to happen because I got lazy and found myself not having the time to do it properly...I'm not even sure where it is in my room.
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